10 things that make you fall in love with Portugal
10 things that make you fall in love with Portugal
Are you ready to fall in love with Portugal? See 10 things about Portugal that enchants all visitors and make them stay forever.
Have you noticed that everyone is moving to Portugal? Whether for business, tourism, or even moving permanently, Portugal is now the go-to destination for everyone around the globe. So what makes Portugal special? Could the increased interest to visit Portugal be just a coincidence? We don’t think so! Portugal is different from most European counties in all the right ways, this is part of the reason why it is easy to fall in love with Portugal.
This post will give insight into some of the things that will probably make you fall in love with Portugal and also explain why it is the biggest tourism hub in Europe. Let’s get right in!
The 10 things that will make you fall in love with Portugal
1. Friendly Portuguese locals
It will be an understatement to refer to the local Portuguese people as just friendly. They are not only hospitable, but also they will go the extra mile and go out of their way to help visitors.
The locals receive other people with great joy and a smile on their faces. While first impressions may not paint the picture like that, you will quickly realize their hospitable nature once you interact with a few people.
A majority of the local people have this special ability to make even strangers feel at home which makes them great hosts.
However, similar to any other country, you will encounter differences between people from the countryside and the city. The difference is also noticeable, especially between the people from the Algarve and the north of the country.
2. You can never have enough food
What immediately jumps to mind when you think of the rich Portuguese cuisine? Pastry, Desserts, and sweets? Wrong!
The Portuguese cuisine features a plethora of multicultural ingredients from northern Africa,
Southern Asia, and also the Iberian Peninsula.
There is so much variety that you can indulge in. Besides the variety, the quality of food is also distinguished.
Portuguese food is the best in the world
Most Portuguese meals are home-cooked and a typical meal may include meat, seafood, legumes, and a dessert which is often a cake.
Portuguese dishes have been largely overshadowed by their neighbours, for instance, Spain and France. However, they are rich in gastronomy and are prepared with simple fresh ingredients that blend and combine in great fashion.
The Portuguese people love good food and it seems to permeate to other aspects of their lives as well.
3. The weather is amazing
Compared to other European counties, the weather in Portugal is the stark opposite. Situated perfectly on the Iberian Peninsula, Portugal experiences fair weather all year round.
In fact, it is one of the warmest counties in Europe experiencing up to 3,000 hours of sunshine in a year. With this type of weather, you can spend enough time outdoors with friends and family.
However, for those who also love cold temperatures, it can get quite cold in some regions in the country and you can even be able to enjoy some winter sports as well.
In essence, the weather in Portugal is just the perfect balance and this is why most people are drawn to this country.
4. Their language sounds quite charming
Portuguese is a beautiful language; it is not only smooth but also so pleasant to listen to. The falling intonation in most of the words is just amazing to the ear.
For most people who have been to Portugal before, the language is pleasant and sonorous. Portuguese is a charm to the ears and it gets even better if you understand the language. However, Portuguese is quite difficult to learn and takes some time to get a hang of it. Having said that, as a beginner, begin by learning the common words as you slowly transition to other words in the vocabulary.
5. The natural settings are breathtaking
Portugal is one of the most beautiful places in the world, hands down! It is home to some magnificent landscapes and nestled in them, are some gorgeous places.
Right from the expansive beaches, to the rugged cliffs in the oceans, or even the lakes tucked deep in the forest, the natural setting is simply a delight to the eyes.
Parque Natural da Ria Formosa is a special place that should appear somewhere in the wilderness but it is situated right in the Algarve.
That is not all, the floating gardens, the “Madeira”, the pristine natural wonder that is the volcanic Azores among others, are what make Portugal one of the most beautiful countries in the world.
In the grand scheme of things, Portugal may appear as small but a collection of all the beautiful sites and natural wonders combine in a unique fashion to form an amazing natural setting.
6. Prices are much lower than in other European countries
Portugal is one of the most affordable countries to live in western Europe. With a lower cost of living, you can also expect that other things in the country also cost significantly less. Ultimately, what this means is that your dollar or Euro will go further than when you are in your country.
To put this into perspective, living in Portugal is up to 50% cheaper than in the United States. You should also realize that depending on where you live, your money could go even further. Small towns are way more affordable than big cities like Lisbon.
So choosing to settle in a small town would mean a significantly cheaper lifestyle for you. Everything in Portugal is affordable and this is what makes it a great prospect for ex-pats from everywhere in the world.
7. You feel safe anywhere in Portugal
Right off the bat, it is important to mention that Portugal is quite safe as compared to other nations in Europe or even in the US.
According to the 2021 Global Peace Index, Portugal is placed 4th behind Iceland, New Zealand, and Denmark. Generally, the locals are often very polite and don’t get into an unnecessary confrontation.
However, there is no perfect country free of any form of crime. Violent crimes are very rare since Portuguese citizens are not allowed to own guns, unless for hunting and require police permits to own one.
Petty crimes on the other hand do exist with pickpocketing and snatching phones happening in tourist hubs like Lisbon.
Despite the fact that Portugal is quite safe, it is important to take caution whenever you go out and be aware of your surroundings.
8. The Portuguese culture is dense and complex
The Portuguese culture is a combination of different elements that create a unique and vibrant atmosphere.
Some of the major elements of the culture include food, art, religion, soccer, and literature. Art is alive in Portugal, this is evident right from the music, poetry, and also visual arts present in several art museums all over the country.
Also when talking about the Portuguese culture, you have to mention Luis Vaz de Camões, he is not only famous in Portugal but also around the world courtesy of his epic poetry.
The Portuguese culture is very rich and complex
Lastly, religion is at the core of Portuguese culture. While there is no official religion of the nation, a greater percentage of the population considers themselves Roman Catholic.
Apart from that, the culture also has some elements of folklore and superstitions, for instance, the “evil eye” curse.
9. Public services are of quality and affordable
Cheap or affordable services are often confused with poor services. Not in Portugal! Similar to most things here, public services like transport or even health care are not only of good quality but quite affordable too.
Public transportation in Portugal is not just affordable but also quite reliable. There are several modes of transportation, for instance, buses and trains. Despite the occasional delays, you will love public transportation in Portugal.
The extensive tax-funded healthcare system Serviço Nacional de Saúde (SNS) is not only available to everyone but also provides the basic and most essential medical services free of charge.
10. Portugal is a global country
If you imagine that you will be the only ex-pat or tourist in Portugal, then you are mistaken. Portugal is a global country with plenty of other immigrants living in the country.
According to the RIFA report on immigration in Portugal, the country has experienced a consistent increase in the number of immigrants since the year 2014.
It is common to encounter talks in traveller circles about the desire to move or even visit Portugal at some point.
You will find different ex-pat communities in the country from different cities and you will not find it difficult to fit in.
Article by Viv Europe - Official Legal and Relocation Partner to KipperTree.
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