Portugal: The New Blue Zone on the Rise for UK Retirees


Portugal: The New Blue Zone on the Rise for UK Retirees

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  • By KipperTree
  • June 21 2024

Portugal: The New Blue Zone on the Rise for UK Retirees

Portugal: The New Blue Zone on the Rise for UK Retirees

21 06 2024 

Article by Gold Crest - Official Buyers Agent to KipperTree.

Here at Goldcrest, we’re witnessing an exciting trend: Portugal is rapidly becoming a top

choice for UK retirees, and we believe the country is poised to become a new Blue

Zone for healthy aging. Over the past year, we’ve seen a 20% increase in interest in

retirement properties, as more retirees seek a better quality of life in this beautiful


Why Portugal Stands Out

Portugal has many of the qualities found in Blue Zones—regions with high

concentrations of people who live to be over 100 years old. The Mediterranean climate,

community-centric culture, fresh cuisine, and a slower pace of living all contribute to its

appeal. In fact, the number of centenarians in Portugal has grown by 77% over the past


A Popular Choice for UK Retirees

It’s not just the locals who are benefiting. The foreign senior population in Portugal has

more than doubled in the last decade, with British expats making up 19% of this group.

At Goldcrest, we’ve observed a significant surge in inquiries from British retirees. Many

of them are looking for properties that offer amenities and a strong connection with local

culture, while still providing peace and tranquility.

Top Developments

Several developments in Portugal are catering specifically to retirees. Life Plan Resorts,

located in the Tagus Estuary Nature Reserve near Lisbon, is inspired by Blue Zone

principles. It offers comprehensive healthcare, community integration, and luxury

amenities designed to promote an active and engaged lifestyle.

Another prime example is Ombria Algarve, situated near Faro’s international airport.

This development is popular among retirees for its luxury services and convenient

location, which allows for easy travel to and from the UK.

For UK retirees, the benefits of moving to Portugal are clear. The widespread use of

English, short travel times, and the potential for obtaining an EU passport make the

transition smooth. Additionally, Portugal’s stunning coastlines, warm climate, and lower

cost of living compared to the UK are major draws.

Portugal is home to over 40,000 UK nationals, with many choosing to live in Lisbon,

Porto, or the Algarve. The country’s healthcare system is ranked among the best in the

world, and its low crime rate, political stability, and welcoming attitude towards expats

make it an ideal retirement destination.

The increase in UK retirees moving to Portugal can also be linked to Brexit. Since 2016,

the number of British nationals living here has significantly increased. The favorable

weather, attractive tax regimes, low cost of living, and incentives for investment and

retirement make Portugal an appealing choice for those seeking a better quality of life.

At Goldcrest, we’re proud to help retirees find their perfect home in this emerging Blue Zone.
