Top Traits to Acquire Before Moving to Portugal


Top Traits to Acquire Before Moving to Portugal

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  • By KipperTree
  • July 29 2022

Top Traits to Acquire Before Moving to Portugal

I started ExpaCity after 21 years of living in Portugal as a foreign resident-turned-Portuguese citizen with the intent to help people “catch up” on all the innate knowledge locals have. When you move to a foreign country, the maxim “you don’t know what you don’t know” smacks you in the face every day. It’s charming at first. Then funny. Then frustrating. And yes, then depressing. It’s only when you get to a wry sense of acceptance that you have no true idea of how much of your new country works, that you truly can start the informal process of integration. For some, this may be a year or two. One psychological study maintains it takes 17 years to “fully integrate” into a new country – whatever that means. Either way, it takes deliberate learning and time. 

The goal of ExpaCity – a membership organization and video resource that delivers vetted-expert information on every facet of moving to and living in Portugal each week – is this: when you’re informed, you become independent. And when you’re independent, you become intrepid and you can be an active participant in your new country. What we do is help people go through a critical learning journey which is at the heart of the physical and mental journey of moving to Portugal. 

For over ten years, I’ve followed migration trends to Portugal, researching and reading everything I could find. But I have been mostly curious about what are the qualities and skills it takes for immigrants to “succeed” – to stick – in this unique and wonderful country, Portugal. 

ExpaCity will be two years old in September. I’ve learned a great deal from the fantastic ExpaCity members to help answer my question. Here are the top five traits I’ve observed that ensure “success”. If you have them naturally, hurrah! You’re ahead of the game. If not so much, there’s still time to practice before your move.

Humility: this trait is vital for dealing with Portugal’s favourite pastime: bureaucracy. There is no shorter route to a successful outcome than owning up to being unsure, confused, and needing help. Not in a pathetic way. In an earnest and sincere way. Not easy for most. If you can help the person behind the desk make the decision to be your teacher and super-hero, you will have made a friend and succeeded at your task. 

Open-mindedness: Almost nothing will be like it is back home. Don’t expect it to be and you’ll be pleasantly surprised and on your way to adopting local behaviour. I strongly recommend writing “it’s just different” on your bathroom mirror – before and after your move – so it becomes your mantra and answer to daily frustrations. Say it to yourself with panache and a bit of celebration, like a big wonderful discovery. It’s exactly the right attitude to have.

Tenacity with Patience: Think about having the tenacity of a Terrier, but with the restrained, calm, endurance of a Saint Bernard. (In Portuguese, think Podengo Pequeno and Cão da Serra da Estrela.) This combo will carry you through almost everything in Portugal. Being Portuguese is about having reams of patience while digging in your heels to get what you know you need and should have… all with the countenance of the Virgin Mary. As a foreigner, you’ll need this double. Watch and learn. Bring a book. Have a coffee. Return with composure and fortitude to try again. 

Sense of Humour: Those with the ability to laugh in the face of frustration, annoyance and downright fear, will do very well in Portugal. As ExpaCity members know, it’s Portugal; everything turns out in the end. So you may as well laugh and have some fun along the way. Deep down, Portugal isn’t going to change. We as foreigners have to. And isn’t that what you came to Portugal for – a swap of your old life for something new and, I guarantee it, over time – a much better one. 

Amy Kraushaar is the Creator and Founder of ExpaCity, a video resource of vetted-expert information on all facets of moving to and settling into Portugal, and a membership community of amazing people who teach her something new every day. 

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