KipperTree | A Passion for Portuguese Property


Help and Support: Real Estate Agents

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I advertise properties on KipperTree?

You can register your account by signing up as a Real Estate Agent.

Step 1 

On the home page in the top right-hand corner, you will see Sign In / Sign Up

                                                                Click Sign Up Here  

Step 2

Next, you will see this page with a Select an Option drop-down menu

Click the arrow and select Real Estate Agent

Step 3

Now complete the sign-up form with your company name, email address, password, location and AMI number

If you would like to be contacted by our currency specialist to form a working relationship, please tick the checkbox next to Spartan FX

If you receive a message stating: Email already in use. Please sign in

Please contact us for your password at

Step 4

Now look to the top right of the page and you will see My Account

Click here and choose profile

Your profile is where you control all things kipperTree and is where you will receive property enquiries

Step 5 

Now complete your details

Job Title 

Website address

Company Logo or image: you can copy and paste these avatars if you prefer


About information (this is information about your business)

Spoken languages (the languages spoken by members of your business)

Contacts (make your contacts public)

Property feed

If you have the KipperTree feed URL from your software provider or you have the Kyero feed URL  you can enter it here to bulk upload your properties from your CRM.

Our partners who have the correct feed URL are currently 

X-Imo - Proppy - Imo360 - Dragonstack - Espaços Web - Improxy - HC PRO - Imo Spot - Front House - Casafari

If your CRM supplier is not listed, please send your feed URL to for analysis

Help code

This section is purely for a KipperTree employee to add their code if they have helped you create the account. Help is available at any time by clicking HELP


Once you have completed your profile information click update profile to save your information

Step 6

Now it’s time to subscribe to a plan. You have various options from free to paid plans, depending on your business needs

On the left-hand side of your profile choose My Subscription

The subscription page will appear and offer 4 options ranging from Free to paid plans. If you do not have a CRM partner choose plan Starter or if you want your listings prioritising choose Business

If you have a CRM provider choose Enterprise or if you want your listings prioritising choose Enterprise Plus. This priority feature pushes your properties to the front of the list over non-priority packages

For smaller agencies or realtors with small property portfolios, choose the Starter Plan

For agencies or realtors with larger portfolios but without a property feed and want their properties listed first, choose the Business Plan

For agencies or realtors with larger portfolios and ones that have a property feed choose the Free Enterprise Plan

For agencies or realtors with larger portfolios and ones that have a property feed and want their properties listed first, choose the Enterprise Plus Plan

Business and Enterprise Plus plans have increased features that include

Access to active buyers - Featured property - Featured Agent Home Page - Access to amenities - Access to points of interest

Choose the subscription that best suits your business needs and don't forget that you can upgrade at any time

More Frequently Asked Questions

Can I cancel at any time? 

Yes you can, your plan will not be refunded but you can reactivate it at any time before its expiry date

Can I pay a monthly subscription? 

Yes, but at the moment this can only be done by bank transfer, Contact us for details LINK 

We are currently working on a monthly subscription update, however, with such low prices per annum, we are sure an annual payment won’t break the bank

How many properties can I upload?

Dependent on your plan you can upload anything from 10 properties to 1000

Can I upload more than 1000 properties? 

Yes you can, but you will need to contact us for a bespoke plan price

What do I do if I sell a property when subscribed to the Starter or Business plans? 

You remove or replace the property with a new one within your property allowance

Can I change properties when subscribed to the Starter or Business plans? 

Yes you can, you have unlimited changes and can add and delete properties at any time

You can have your top ten properties or the ones you are looking to sell quickly listed in the starter plan all for less than 1 euro per week

Can I upgrade my plan?

Yes, you can upgrade at any time, the plan automatically calculates the difference between what you have already paid previously and creates a new balance to be charged.

What if I don’t have a credit card?

Contact us for alternative payment methods

How do I get a business receipt?

You will be sent a receipt once your payment has cleared

How do I receive property enquiries?

You will be sent an email stating that you have an enquiry

In your message section within your profile, you will be able to securely message the interested party

You can if you prefer give out your contact details and correspond outside of KipperTree

Are property descriptions automatically translated to English?

No, to translate from Portuguese to English please click the translate button within the property description

You may also translate the whole site to your preferred language using the Select Language bar at the bottom of the page

If you cannot work out how to open an account, simply contact us here: Help

When you are ready to get started and we'll get straight back to you to register your business for you

How does my feed work?

Once you have your feed URL inserted within your profile your properties will upload automatically

Our servers importers update daily to keep your CRM in sync with KipperTree

Whatever changes are made in your CRM will be made on the KipperTree site

How do I add my property as a Star Property?

Within your profile on the left underneath Partnerships you will find My Properties

Click on the property you want to make the star property

You will then see 3 blue icons

An edit button with a pencil icon, an extras button and a disable button

Click on the extras button and you find extra purchase options such as the star property

Can I temporarily disable my property?

Yes you can. Within your profile on the left underneath Partnerships you will find My Properties

Click on the property you want to disable

You will see 3 blue icons. An edit button with a pencil icon, an extras button and a disable button

Click the disable button

To renew the property, simply click the blue box with the tick icon

How do I add my property as a featured property?

You must be subscribed to the Business Plan or Enterprise Plus Plan

Simply tick the checkbox that says Featured In Home Page or Featured In District Page

How do I add amenities?

You must be subscribed to the Business Plan or Enterprise Plus Plan

Simply tick the checkboxes that are relevant to your properties

How do I add points of Interest?

You must be subscribed to the Business Plan or Enterprise Plus Plan

Simply tick the checkboxes that are relevant to your properties

How do I add Floor plans?

When uploading your images simply upload your floor plan

How can I sponsor the site?

Within your profile on the left underneath My subscription you will find Partnerships

Here, you will find the sponsorship options and prices

Should the sponsorship be taken please contact us.

How do I buy a floor plan?

Within your profile on the left underneath Partnerships you will find My Properties

Click on the property you want to request a floor plan for

You will see 3 blue icons. An edit button with a pencil icon, an extras button and a disable button

Click on the extras button and you find extra purchase options such as Buy Floor plan

How do I edit my property?

Within your profile on the left underneath Partnerships you will find My Properties

Click on the property you want to edit

You will see 3 blue icons

An edit button with a pencil icon, an extras button and a disable button

Click on the edit button

Can I access my property feed?

Yes you can. Within your profile on the left underneath My Properties you will find My Feed

Click on this and your feed specification will be displayed

Simply copy and paste your feed

You can also share your feed URL so other people can import your properties.

Didn't find the answer you were looking for? Contact us